Matt Hancock has told staff that patients will continue to have access to medicines, medical products and high-quality care in the unlikely event of a no-deal Brexit. Letter from the Rt. Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care ... 23 August 2018 - 3 pages |
The total number of full-time equivalent GPs in June 2018 was 33,163 - down 533 from 33,686 three months earlier, according to provisional figures from NHS Digital.
The latest drop in the GP workforce takes the Government even further from the target set by former health secretary Jeremy Hunt that aimed to boost full-time GP numbers by 5,000 by 2021.
When the target was set in September 2015, the total full-time equivalent GP workforce was 34,592 - more than 1,500 above the level reported for June 2018, and leaving the government 6,500 GPs short of its target.
The total number of full-time equivalent GPs in June 2018 was 33,163 - down 533 from 33,686 three months earlier, according to provisional figures from NHS Digital.
The latest drop in the GP workforce takes the Government even further from the target set by former health secretary Jeremy Hunt that aimed to boost full-time GP numbers by 5,000 by 2021.
When the target was set in September 2015, the total full-time equivalent GP workforce was 34,592 - more than 1,500 above the level reported for June 2018, and leaving the government 6,500 GPs short of its target.
17 pages NHS England has published a guide for GP Practices to encourage their patients to register and book their flu clinic online. |
18 pages NHS England has published a guide for Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) on how to engage their Practice in registering more patients for online services. |
NHS England needs expert patient and public voice (PPV) partners for a variety of groups who have an understanding of the health and care system nationally, regionally and locally.
CCGs are asked to share the information through their networks. Please see the application form and information pack for further details. You can find more information and apply by using this link. If you would like to receive an application pack in other formats please contact [email protected].
The three groups being recruited are to:
1. Empower the Person (EtP) Uptake and Adoption Steering Group
2. Online Services in Primary Care Stakeholder Forum
3. Primary Care Digital Transformation Clinical Advisory Group
To read more, click here ...
NHS England needs expert patient and public voice (PPV) partners for a variety of groups who have an understanding of the health and care system nationally, regionally and locally.
CCGs are asked to share the information through their networks. Please see the application form and information pack for further details. You can find more information and apply by using this link. If you would like to receive an application pack in other formats please contact [email protected].
The three groups being recruited are to:
1. Empower the Person (EtP) Uptake and Adoption Steering Group
2. Online Services in Primary Care Stakeholder Forum
3. Primary Care Digital Transformation Clinical Advisory Group
To read more, click here ...
This briefing, aimed at those leading STPs, focuses on the improvements in quality of care that Pharmacists and their teams bring to care home residents, care home providers and the NHS. |
NHS England launches open call for solutions for General Practice Premises Policy The General Practice Premises Policy review, led by NHS England and Department of Health and Social Care, has launched a call for solutions. NHS England wants to hear a wide range of proposals, to ensure general practice premises are fit for the future. They are keen to hear about solutions designed to address specific issues, as well as those which would require more significant changes to Policy. |
The call for solutions can be accessed on the NHS England website and will be open until 5 September 2018.
Court of Appeal grants NHS campaign group permission to appeal against NHS England’s new Integrated Care Provider contract
The Court of Appeal has granted permission to appeal on ALL 7 GROUNDS, with capped costs. This is despite NHS England's dismissive claim to the Court of Appeal that there was no merit in any of the 7 grounds for our appeal.
The immediate impact of this ruling is that NHS England's consultation on the Accountable Care Organisation contract (rebranded as the Integrated Care Provider contract) is taking place about a contract that may not even be lawful.
Read more:
Court of Appeal grants NHS campaign group permission to appeal against NHS England’s new Integrated Care Provider contract
The Court of Appeal has granted permission to appeal on ALL 7 GROUNDS, with capped costs. This is despite NHS England's dismissive claim to the Court of Appeal that there was no merit in any of the 7 grounds for our appeal.
The immediate impact of this ruling is that NHS England's consultation on the Accountable Care Organisation contract (rebranded as the Integrated Care Provider contract) is taking place about a contract that may not even be lawful.
Read more:
A guide on GP on-line services gives Patient Participation Group (PPG) members some top tips on how to engage their Practice in registering more patients for on-line services.
A guide on GP on-line services gives Patient Participation Group (PPG) members some top tips on how to engage their Practice in registering more patients for on-line services.
NHS England - Delegated Commissioning Application Process and Checklist for 2019 / 2020 4 pages |
NHS England have published procurement notices for almost £30bn in specialised service contracts.
Under EU law the national commissioner is required to give notice when it intends to award a contract worth more than £615,278.
The prior information notices, which appear to cover all specialised services in England, have just been published on 14 August in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The tenders are split into 20 different lots, across four regions, and total £7.6bn for the South of England, £10.8bn for London, £9.4bn for the Midlands and East and £862m for the North of England.
--- Expressions of interest must be received by 14 September 2018 ---
NHS England have published procurement notices for almost £30bn in specialised service contracts.
Under EU law the national commissioner is required to give notice when it intends to award a contract worth more than £615,278.
The prior information notices, which appear to cover all specialised services in England, have just been published on 14 August in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The tenders are split into 20 different lots, across four regions, and total £7.6bn for the South of England, £10.8bn for London, £9.4bn for the Midlands and East and £862m for the North of England.
--- Expressions of interest must be received by 14 September 2018 ---
NHS England has intervened in a potential expansion of GP at Hand – saying it should be blocked until concerns about patient access to screening can be resolved.
On Tuesday, a committee of Hammersmith and Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group agreed with NHS England and decided not to lift an objection blocking the controversial digital provider’s expansion into Birmingham.
The change, if approved, would have allowed GP at Hand, a “digital first” practice which is based in west London, to register thousands of patients in Birmingham who would be treated primarily online over video, with a single new Birmingham clinic for face to face appointments.
Read more ...
NHS England has intervened in a potential expansion of GP at Hand – saying it should be blocked until concerns about patient access to screening can be resolved.
On Tuesday, a committee of Hammersmith and Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group agreed with NHS England and decided not to lift an objection blocking the controversial digital provider’s expansion into Birmingham.
The change, if approved, would have allowed GP at Hand, a “digital first” practice which is based in west London, to register thousands of patients in Birmingham who would be treated primarily online over video, with a single new Birmingham clinic for face to face appointments.
Read more ...
Sarah Keigm, Yorkshire and Humberside area organiser for the Unison union, said: “Devastating funding cuts to NHS Digital’s budget over the next three years has forced a restructure that will see hundreds of job losses and office closures.”
NHS Digital is responsible for collecting and publishing NHS national data, including identifiable patient data, and runs many of the central IT systems for the NHS.
In the past three years, the agency has increasingly been given broader responsibility to deliver the national “digital transformation” strategy, including hosting the NHS app library and providing cyber security support across the system.
However, despite the new health and social care secretary saying last month that technology was top priority , NHS Digital’s funding is expected to fall by nearly a fifth through to 2020-21.
Sarah Keigm, Yorkshire and Humberside area organiser for the Unison union, said: “Devastating funding cuts to NHS Digital’s budget over the next three years has forced a restructure that will see hundreds of job losses and office closures.”
NHS Digital is responsible for collecting and publishing NHS national data, including identifiable patient data, and runs many of the central IT systems for the NHS.
In the past three years, the agency has increasingly been given broader responsibility to deliver the national “digital transformation” strategy, including hosting the NHS app library and providing cyber security support across the system.
However, despite the new health and social care secretary saying last month that technology was top priority , NHS Digital’s funding is expected to fall by nearly a fifth through to 2020-21.
Various workstreams are also being jointly led by arms-length body, commissioning and third sector leaders. They will be expected to come forward with initial proposals by the end of September.
There will then be a consultation process before a plan is published in November.
The workstreams, which have been formed by NHS England and NHS Improvement, are a key part of the NHS’s reponse to the Prime Minister’s call for a long term NHS plan, the first five years of which have been backed by a new funding settlement.
Read about the Workstreams and Leaders here ...
Various workstreams are also being jointly led by arms-length body, commissioning and third sector leaders. They will be expected to come forward with initial proposals by the end of September.
There will then be a consultation process before a plan is published in November.
The workstreams, which have been formed by NHS England and NHS Improvement, are a key part of the NHS’s reponse to the Prime Minister’s call for a long term NHS plan, the first five years of which have been backed by a new funding settlement.
Read about the Workstreams and Leaders here ...
As the judgment has only just been released, Rhion Jones discusses the High Court decision to quash Corby CCG’s plans and questions why Managers refuse to consult.
High Court quashes CCG decision to replace Corby Urgent Care Centre with Same Day Access Hub over failure to undertake public consultation, breach of public engagement duties & providing misleading information to Governing Body members
The High Court (HHJ Jarman QC sitting as a High Court Judge) has today handed down judgment quashing a decision by the Corby Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) to change the provision of health services provided by the Interested Party (Lakeside+) at the Corby Urgent Care Centre (CUCC) and to rename it a Same Day Access Hub. The facts of R (Buckingham) v NHS Corby Clinical Commissioning Group contain important lessons for other NHS bodies that are managing controversial changes to NHS services.
The CUCC is an urgent care centre which patients can attend on a walk-in basis, with face to face triage undertaken by clinicians. The CCG proposed to re-provision the CUCC into a same-day primary care service, accessed via a telephone system with triage undertaken by trained operators rather than clinicians.
The Claimant, a local health campaigner, challenged the decision on the basis that it breached the legitimate expectation of local residents that there would be a full public consultation on changes to the CUCC. Allowing the claim and quashing the decision, the Court found that the CCG had made “plain and unequivocal” promises to consult and that these promises gave rise to a legally enforceable procedural legitimate expectation. The Court found that the CCG had not shown any overriding reason to depart from those promises. In particular, the view of NHS England that public consultation was not necessary did not provide the sort of overriding duty or public interest necessary to override a legitimate expectation.
The Court also found that the CCG has breached its duty under s14Z2 of the NHS Act 2006 to involve patients in “the development and consideration of proposals… for changes in the commissioning arrangements where the implementation of the proposals would have an impact on the manner in which the services are delivered”. That duty required not just that the public were involved in the development or formulation of a proposal, but also that the public is involved in consideration of the proposal, which had not occurred.
The Court also agreed with Lakeside+ that the CCG had made its decision upon a material error of fact, namely the belief that there had been a comprehensive programme of engagement on the proposal, which there had not.
Article originally appeared on Landmark Chambers -
As the judgment has only just been released, Rhion Jones discusses the High Court decision to quash Corby CCG’s plans and questions why Managers refuse to consult.
High Court quashes CCG decision to replace Corby Urgent Care Centre with Same Day Access Hub over failure to undertake public consultation, breach of public engagement duties & providing misleading information to Governing Body members
The High Court (HHJ Jarman QC sitting as a High Court Judge) has today handed down judgment quashing a decision by the Corby Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) to change the provision of health services provided by the Interested Party (Lakeside+) at the Corby Urgent Care Centre (CUCC) and to rename it a Same Day Access Hub. The facts of R (Buckingham) v NHS Corby Clinical Commissioning Group contain important lessons for other NHS bodies that are managing controversial changes to NHS services.
The CUCC is an urgent care centre which patients can attend on a walk-in basis, with face to face triage undertaken by clinicians. The CCG proposed to re-provision the CUCC into a same-day primary care service, accessed via a telephone system with triage undertaken by trained operators rather than clinicians.
The Claimant, a local health campaigner, challenged the decision on the basis that it breached the legitimate expectation of local residents that there would be a full public consultation on changes to the CUCC. Allowing the claim and quashing the decision, the Court found that the CCG had made “plain and unequivocal” promises to consult and that these promises gave rise to a legally enforceable procedural legitimate expectation. The Court found that the CCG had not shown any overriding reason to depart from those promises. In particular, the view of NHS England that public consultation was not necessary did not provide the sort of overriding duty or public interest necessary to override a legitimate expectation.
The Court also found that the CCG has breached its duty under s14Z2 of the NHS Act 2006 to involve patients in “the development and consideration of proposals… for changes in the commissioning arrangements where the implementation of the proposals would have an impact on the manner in which the services are delivered”. That duty required not just that the public were involved in the development or formulation of a proposal, but also that the public is involved in consideration of the proposal, which had not occurred.
The Court also agreed with Lakeside+ that the CCG had made its decision upon a material error of fact, namely the belief that there had been a comprehensive programme of engagement on the proposal, which there had not.
Article originally appeared on Landmark Chambers -
22 pages The NHS Plan (Paragraph 10.3) made a commitment that patients should be able to receive copies of clinicians’ letters about them as of right. A working group convened by the Department of Health in 2001 set out the background to the initiative in a report in February 2002. It is available on the Department of Health's web-site, and is in two parts: draft guidelines, and recommendations to the Department of Health. |
21 pages This publication is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the statutory duties of NHS providers and Commissioners, in relation to the provision of health care. It deals with the duties to involve, engage and consult the public in the development of services, and clarifies the rights of the public to be involved at every level when significant changes are planned for services. In particular, the document makes it clear that it is unlawful for NHS bodies to disregard the public’s views when NHS services and systems are being redesigned. |
Lay and Volunteer Involvement and Restriction on Activities of a Political Nature - March 2013 Department of Health and Local Government Association - March 2013 ... 7 pages About Healthwatch - About Lay Person and Volunteer Involvement in Local Healthwatch About Restrictions on Activities of a Political Nature - Further Information |